I share this journey with all, that through such may be provided mere nuggets of illumination, to which a mere speck of what remains creationally possible, may be grasped by the seeking ones of the time and feared not due to the unknown. That the marvels which remain hidden within the human being, which may take effect and/or reveal themselves may be embraced, to which the human being may heed the essence of wisdom that the Creation truly lies emblazoned within. In such, unveiling the true nature of the human being of Earth as the creative being to which they truly are, endowed with abilities of vast wonder.
Equally, this remains a chronicled paradigm for those like myself ‘awoken’ by the ‘call’ within, whom have yet to truly fathom their true origin, that solace may be treasured in the awareness that they remain not alone, as well as heed the spiritual unfoldings recounted herein, that may be relatable to them, that their journey to the truth may be eased, as well as to the mission may be realized, as one of the People (the Faithful) of the Prophet of the New Age (Guardian of the Treasure). For the human being whom truly seeks both within and without, the unveiling of their true nature shall inevitably be revealed (IT IS SO!)
(Whose Lives are Illuminated by Love)
Most certainly much may be found upon the vast web as it pertains to the phenomena of the Spirit, resp. Spiritual Awakening, which has been intertwined with Ascension theories and Zen Satori, Nivanna and Moksha, etc. From the aforementioned theories and others alike, in verity stems a level of truth, albeit the stages and/or phases of Awakening undergone may simply vary in depth per individual. Accordingly, the similarities surrounding the usual Spiritual Awakening experience as reported therefrom, present as true for the majority of human beings whom experience such. This truth remains so, due to the reason that the majority of the human beings of Earth, in verity remain within a similar consciousness-evolutive state (4 to 8 million years), thence the logical similitude.
The principal stages spoken of in the Awakening recount below, will undeniably present experiences similar in nature to those of the usual Awakening, by way that the components of Confusion, Questioning, Seeking, Examining, Disillusion, Integration and Hindsight are the fundamental occurrences which generally remain the same regardless of Awakening intensity. Contrarily, likewise revealed herein are elements clearly advanced in nature, which step far outside the bounds of the usual Awakening. As it pertains to these elements and/or specifics more advanced in nature, it is merely to be understood that the heightened and/or intense experiences spoken of, are simply perceivable by those whom are of a much higher consciousness-evolution (+8 million years).
In light of such, the sharing of this diverse recount ought conceivably afford a sense of reassurance to the human being experiencing the subtle Awakening (i.e, sparked curiosity, questioning reality, seeking purpose, examine truth, etc.), while likewise resonating with those experiencing an intricate/intense Awakening. Surrounding this what is to be understood, is that it is not a special kind and/or chosen set of human beings whom solely are to experience an Awakening, but in verity, that a Consciousness-Awakening is to take place for all of humanity, despite these Awakening occurrences transpiring in passing or in vast waves, albeit in the present or some future point in time, that all may become aware of their true being. Accordingly, these Awakening occurrences are increasingly unfolding amid the populace, moreso noticeably during this Golden Age of Man and shall continue to be the course until all have awoken.
Love is to feel absolute certainty that one lives in all existent in absolute certainty and absolute feeling that the existence of the others is a part-existence of ones own existence, regardless if its a plant, spirit-form, an animal, a planet, a rock or a fellow human being.
(Guardian of the Treasure)
It commenced in the midst of a day as any other, when an inexplicable phenomenon occurred, to which it was as if someone/something had 'called' me by my name. The call was not audibly aloud, but of a bold internal essence, as a thunderous echoing from deep within. I immediately looked all around me in both wonder and confusion, as I had not the slightest understanding of what had been occurring. In an instance, like a bolt of lightning my entire existence had begun to flash before my eyes in a series of 'visions', to which all had been 'shown' to me. I saw the good, the not so good, and even that which had gone consciously unnoticed by me. It was as if someone had been rapidly flipping through the pages of a story book that was my present life. The subsequent (7) days was a whirlwind of emotions as every little detail was vividly shown to me as pictorial flashes of lights, which cannot be fathomed by mere words, to which I found myself rigorously emotionally and mentally rapidly reconciling the events of my life away, as though a thought/action/reaction, analysis/correction, and acceptance were taking place.
Once this emotive week had passed, I was left with the greatest sense of relief, a wonderous lightness as air, a profound sense of peace swept over me, and an immense feeling of 'love' unheard of appeared, and flowed through me like a rushing river. Newly present was an intense urge, resp. impulse, to ‘fulfill’ something, but ‘what’ that something could be remained ununderstood by me at the time. I was furthermore left with an innate overwhelming feeling to connect with ‘something’. Subsequently, I was intrinsically compelled to turn within, to which I instinctively gravitated toward gently whispering inward, with eyes shut, in which an obscure white light appeared behind the eyelids, to which followed were strong, yet harmonious sensations, resp. 'energetic-impulses' that would ignite and flow through me. Although this innate practice brought about a warm peaceful essence, there remained an inexplicable slight feeling of division which ensued for (7) days, however as the deep yearning to continue this practice, likewise to connect and to fulfil, remained a driving 'force' deep within, I continued to engage in this innate practice in the aforesaid manner daily in multiplicity, asking for direction, to be shown purpose, and instruction on how to fulfill. Albeit the commencement and continued undertaking of this innate practice secured a profound connection both within and without, I was nevertheless deeply compelled to continue to seek and secure a greater connection with this ‘something’.
Whilst I had naturally always considered it so, resp. known, the presence of a great might of some sort, what it could actually be I had not fathomed, I simply noted the feeling a great 'presence' all around me, however I truly did not understand what this presence could be. Lingering still amid a state of perplexity as to how to go about carrying out the undertaking of this connection task, and with exactly whom/what it truly was, there remained yet a great confusion. What/whom this could be, I reckoned at the time may possibly be that which I had diverted from throughout the life (although this diversion was innate), and peradventure I was incorrect in my innate feeling, that the one most publicly spoken of and recognized by the masses as god, was actually so? I reasoned, that as it had been so, that throughout the entirety of my life I had preserved a disengagement with the one known as god (as I had felt a falsity as it pertained to this being and religion), nevertheless I reckoned that peradventure I was to now learn about religion and about the notion of whom god was. In my current state of ununderstanding, as I could fathom no other immediate explication, I could only reason at the time that perhaps as I had neglected to make a connection with this BEING in times past, that perhaps this is what I was now being called upon to do from deep within, for I could not fathom any other possibility at the time. Being uncertain as how to go about this, as I had led a life by choice completely devoid of religion and sects, never having ither been introduced to the formal act of prayer, I inferred procurement of a bible would be a most suitable start, thus I immediately purchased a bible (standard KJV used by Catholics and/or Christians and others alike) and anxiously awaited its arrival.
In stark anticipation I imaginarily felt elated and as though the book’s content would set me free, and it most certainly did, but not too far into my reading venture, that delight turned into confusion and my 'heightened senses' told me that something was inherently wrong with the content of the book. Nevertheless, I told myself that perhaps this feeling was merely a rejection response to something new and different, and to not impetuously halt these efforts too swiftly. Correspondingly, the deep driving force to ‘connect’ both compelled and inclined me to give religion a sincere chance, to which the source remained misunderstood by me at the time. Accordingly, I not only proceeded with the reading of the bibles content amid a few short weeks but likewise pressed myself to entertain and engage in a few of its chronicled directives and/or practices in wonder of what would be further 'felt'. In turn, I intentionally altered my innate introspective practice to reflect that of formal prayer using the term god and even engaged in a certain approaching sabbatical (the observing of thanksgiving from a religious standpoint), to which I had even inclined my family to partake in with me, with the mere hope that the ‘intense force’ that I had newly harbored within would perhaps awaken within them, but this was not so. In just shy of a few short two weeks, I had only become more greatly disturbed by what I had read within the bible, to which a severe restlessness grew within me, to which no elucidation of reason nor logical could feasibly be fathomed from the content. I was confounded as to how the masses read and accepted this contradicting doctrine, and with stark lucidity realized that for some reason, that most did not (or could not) see what I had.
"A truthful Religion is the measure of all religions, that is, of all reconnecting facts, but this is only Creatively correct if it is based on harmonious cooperation with the Relegeon. This means that the reconnecting and the reassembling must be in harmonious harmony and must work together logically. Religion cannot exist without Relegeon, but neither can Relegeon exist without Religion. Both factors must interlock and complement each other. In the earthly case, since cultic religions prevail, the only salvation is for these existing false cultic religions to be eradicated and destroyed to make way for the true religion in harmony with the Relegeon. This can only be done by the willing human beings aligning themselves only with the RELEGEON until they have won the battle over the cultic religions. Thus, at the present time and in the near future, only one direction of thought is the only correct one, namely the RELEGEOUS, the reuniting”
(One Who Lives the Life in Wisdom)
Moreover, I unveiled many troubling finds heeded within the bibles content which lingered within the realm of unreason (i.e. in summary, the perplexing belief of obtaining peace via war, much killing at the direct hands or direction of the one regarded as god, the rewriting of the commandments to incorporate punishments via death, more than one chronicled creation of man, god speaking in a third person manner, the very peculiar altering of key individuals names, the portrayal of the angels as ‘appearing’ as men, Lucifer having actually been categorized as a man, the interstellar portrayal of gods chariot in Ezekiel, and more notably, if Jesus was the said chosen one, then whom pray-tell was the alluded to Immanuel, just to name but a mere few). In addition to the mounting contradictions noted, I likewise could not psychologically reconcile the endless worry that had grown like a fireball within as a correct state of being, as it felt neither natural nor true. Equally alarming, since the altering of my innate introspective practice to reflect that of formal prayer, it had come about that my strong, yet harmonious sensations, resp. 'impulses/energies', which flowed unceasingly from dusk-until-dawn, which had felt nothing but good, peaceful, and pure since its onset, had begun to rage in an uncontrollable form and frightening manner. Deeply troubled by the bibles content (which had arisen a further sundry of questions within, to which answers could not seem to be found within the books content itself), I was compelled to halt my experimental engagement in the bibles reading, as well as put an end to its practices (which ultimately felt utterly erroneous) and shifted toward embarking on some very extensive arduous research over (7) months-time regarding the origin of the bible, as well as all other religious doctrine. I equally reverted to my innate introspective practice, to which fortunately my impulses/energies had been restored.
Amid this time, I found myself not only engaged in the studying of all other religions, their prophets, and god(s), but undertook the readings/transcriptions of ancient texts, codex and manuscripts. I delved deep into the readings of the Secret Societies and Secret Sciences, to investigating the hidden mysteries within DaVinci’s paintings and his fascination with John the Baptist, to probing Quantum Physics, Numerology, Gematria and Astrology, to the Origins of Man, Earth, and the beginnings of Time, amid countless other readings and immeasurable sleepless nights, which in no wise seemed to hinder me, as the intense impulses (swinging-waves) had likewise granted me enormous energies which allowed me to move from day to day with little to no sleep, completely unaffected and refreshed that I may proceed. Equidistant to what initially started out as a truly laborious research journey, I was propelled, resp. 'throttled', quickly forward to which the information began to inexplicably 'impulse/flow' as rapid ‘waves’ within me and seemed to effortlessly connect from one bit of information to the other. It was as though something deep within were ‘guiding’ (helping) me (that which had ‘called me by my name’). I had even subliminally begun to conclude (know) things to which I had not even come across, or had even read in any doctrine thus far, however I would seem to fortuitously come across the solidifying information to which I had conjectured, rapidly soon thereafter. I began to markedly feel as though I somehow already ‘knew’ all that I had been endeavoring to learn. It was as though it were all somehow being ‘brought back to my remembrance' (the knowing).
To shorten what would otherwise be a rather long recount of the truths (minimal) and lies (vast) unveiled within the texts of old, succeeding all search efforts, it had become blatantly clear that those spoken of within the bible (Gods, Angels, Devils and Demons alike), were nothing more than mere human beings ‘Men’, and not only was the bibles content manipulated with malintent, but that all religion was a ruse deliberately shaped and reshaped to serve a malicious agenda. The origin of ‘all religions’ and their amalgamated doctrines stemmed in actuality from the same exact sources, which were deliberately falsified for the very purpose of consciousness enslavement of the diverse populaces of the entire world (as it had been said by the Prophets of old that “all would be deceived”). Despite great revelations, throughout all my research endeavors, one element remained of mystery/interest for me to conclude, and that was ‘who’ truly was the spoken of Jmmanuel (whose name was intertwined with Jesus, as well as various other names in other religions, such as Yeshua, Issa, Yuz Asaf, etc.), for all ancient texts tainted by the hands of men called upon a said Jesus, yet “and he shall be called Immanuel” per the words of Matthew 1:23, remained deeply unsettled within me, and remained a driving force to continue researching. Due to reasons unknown to me at the time, a deep feeling of falsity within as it pertained to the spoken of Jesus lingered, thus I embarked on research specifically toward this man, with the impulse aid of the ‘helper’ within (Spirit Energy).
“Well, first of all I want to explain the ur-term ‘Spirit’ or respectively its original term ‘Geist’, which actually traces back to Nokodemion and can be found in the storage-banks, where the meaning of ‘Awakening’ can also be found. Therefore, when we speak of ‘Creational Spirit-Energy’, for example, this means ‘Creational Awakening-Energy’. From this it can be understood that ‘Creation’ or respectively the ‘Creation-Spirit’ is a factor of ‘Awakening’ or respectively of ‘Creating’, and this is done through the power, swinging-waves and impulses of its own energy.”
(Guardian of the Treasure)
Guided by impulses/energies, which persisted with a ‘great force’ unspoken of, I pushed on in which my search for truth continued with the greatest of might, however to which had equally also expanded to endeavoring to unveil my own true 'origin' and 'purpose' for Being, for there remained a driving inherent force within telling me that there yet remained something I were ‘foredestined, resp. foreordained’ to undertake and ‘fulfill’. Likewise, an inexplicable phenomenon which greatly consumed me in the background, also warranted answering, being found in the presence of a 'heighted' emotional intellect and/or 'senses'. While it had always been in my innate nature to ‘feel’ deeply for people and nature in general, I heeded that deeper empath feelings had tremendously been pushed to the surface, and that I had become extremely sensitive to people, animals, and the world in such a manner that the mere swaying of a dying tree would hit me to my core. These new found impulses/energies also brought many magnificent wonders to which my family had bore witness to, such as that animals would flock toward me, insects become still in my presence and allow me to pick them up with a gentleness, doves began visiting routinely and had begun nesting, so much so, that it was such a delight to one day arrive home to the presence of many sun bathing upon our deck, to name but a mere few.
Prior to the onset of this wonderous journey, I had naturally/innately begun navigating away from the very few worldly elements in which I had engaged, feeling a monotony and lack of fulfillment in them, yet had now become enforced to likewise refrain from engaging in the daily knowing of world events in their entirety, as I would become filled with uncontrollable sorrow, for I could now 'feel' immaterially 'perceive' (6th and 7th senses) the pain of others on the opposite side of the world and the living earth itself (i.e. hear the distant cries of the people, see their faces, feel the pain of the earth, even the life given as food on my plate could truly be fathomed, etc.) both within and without of me. This would cause me to burst into irrepressible woe, thus I had to refrain daily from certain engagements, in turn disconnection was warranted from all media (i.e. tv, internet, social, etc.), however, after a short time, a neutral-positive state innately came about and remained honed, thus such a strictness was no longer required. Succeeding this, overwhelmingly a more notable intense sensation, which beckoned logicity for its presence, consumed me daily in an inexplicable lingering form, which was a stark feeling which had ignited at the very onset of my journey, and persisted endlessly, and remained yet a mystery. This feeling I can only explain as the pure feeling of a ‘foreignness’ with a corresponding ‘homesickness’, to which I would later discover its origin and meaning.
With the aid of the ‘helper’ within (which I had come to clearly know was that of the Spirit, resp. the Creation-Energy part within), continued research efforts toward Immanuel were of not an arduous process at all. I had foredestinedly been brought to the discovery of the ancient Talmud Jmmanuel, to which I was immediately most taken back by its content, with ‘visions’ as though I had ‘witnessed’ the events for myself. I had not ventured too far into the reading of the book before I had become startlingly emotionally overwhelmed, almost as if I in some way ‘knew’ this man. Upon further reading, well into the harshest of content, my emotions were unfathomable to me, as the feeling as though I were somehow mourning a dear friend (this Jmmanuel), with inexplicable emotions, as the presence of intense impulses/energies surged. As I read the Talmud’s content, visions yet again flashed like lightning and my mind vividly played out the script as if it were a movie 'I had seen many times before', as if a distant memory had reemerged and had been ‘brought back to my remembrance’. Upon concluding the book with awe, I had an extremely intense ‘dream-vision’ that very night.
A man was walking amid a desert-like field, there were blue skies, little grass and I do remember the presence of a tree or two. He was dressed in light-beige with a whitish shawl, appearing to speak loudly amidst arm gesturing. Few others walked with him listening in both reverence and silence, to which these others appeared quite 'familiar' to me, and although I could not physically see myself there, I knew I was present and could feel that I was of a certain sex, as it was my very eyes that were gazing upon him as he spoke, as I walked along his right side. Although his lips moved, the dream had no audible sound, yet I had been acknowledging in agreeance what he spoke and then I awoke! I awoke with tears in my eyes, yet great contentment in my bursting heart, that I innately knew with certainty that the man in the dream was in fact a Prophet of earlier times, to which I had later come to know was (The Wise Man of the Time/The Initiate), as well that I knew him very well and rather ‘closely’. Awoke from my slumber, my 'heightened senses' could still feel the breeze against my hair and the smell of sand-blown air as clear as day. That very morning a powerful impulse compelled me to seek the author of the Talmud Jmmanuel, to which I was then brought to the Prophet of the New Age (Guardian of the Treasure) immediately thereafter, likewise the JHWH (One Who Lives the Life in Wisdom) of the time.
It had come to pass with stark realization, that my avoiding of religion throughout the life was of great value, as it protected me from falling prey to many evils, albeit the deep delving into religion/god was a necessary step in the journey/process to ‘all being brought back to my remembrance’, in what I now termed The Awakening, resp. The Spirit Awakening, as it could not have occurred in any other way, for I had remained apart from religion and sects the entirety of my life, thus would have never trod this path. Equally, despite unfortunate conclusions and/or adverse life events, as I had always innately returned to an internal happiness (purely living in simplicity and true contentment with the life), thus not seeking (thence would not have found) had the 'impulses' not ignited the journey. Succeeding my being brought to the (Guardian of the Treasure) after (21) months (7/7/7), realizing my 'origin' as one of his people (the Faithful), had my high impulses/strong energies been brought to a subtle hum (auuummm, resp. OM), for such an internal driving-force had fulfilled its guiding purpose ‘for the time’, yet the impulses/energies endure daily as a persistent burning-flame that can be 'felt' continuously from dusk until dawn, providing a heartening sense of connection to the Creation (All) … For it was now time for a journey to begin anew!
Prior to pursuing onward, It is to be understood that 'all' that remained relevant and/or of a vital nature had already been brought back to my 'remembrance' and ‘shown’ to me, prior to my becoming knowing of the Prophet of the New Age, to which the forthcoming recited content merely affirmed that which I had already known as truth.
The appended content may pose perplexing for some to perceive, likewise for the wonders of the Spirit (Creation-Energy) to be fathomed, for those not of a certain group on earth (the Faithful), thus details in a simplified form shall solely lie herein.
(Nokodemion and the Faithful)