"A truthful Religion is the measure of all religions, that is, of all reconnecting facts, but this is only Creatively correct if it is based on harmonious cooperation with the Relegeon. This means that the reconnecting and the reassembling must be in harmonious harmony and must work together logically"
(One Who Lives the Life in Wisdom)
Relegeon and Religion
Relegeon holds the principles and teachings to which effective truth, thus clarity and logic arises, freeing the human consciousness and allowing the reuniting of the human being with the Creation. What has become molded at present, to be observed as Religion is comprised of that which binds the human consciousness to belief, contrary to truth and in this wise the human being is diverted further from their creational purpose for Being, and the reunification with the Creation.
In verity however, via harmonic cooperation between the two, as one truly can not exist without the other, the earthly Religions hold just enough real value and truth therein, as well as golden nuggets of the Creational Laws and Recommendations to which the human being may find their way to the Relegeon.
"Respect or venerability towards the entirety of nature and towards the Creation and its laws and recommendations must determine the human being's thoughts and feelings and his or her deeds. Human beings must live in harmony with the Creation, with nature, with Earth and the universe, as well as with all varieties of present existence that spring forth from these."
(Goblet of the Truth)
Goblet of the Truth (Kelch der Wahrheit)
The Goblet of the Truth is the true Teachings of the Prophets of old as handed down to the people in times immemorial, to which the foundation of all religious writings stem, such as the Bible, the Tora, and the Quran, and all others, although the aforesaid doctrines linger in falsity, as the original Teachings of the Prophets had been forged.
The Goblet of the Truth in pervious times was regarded as the Cauldron of Life, which was later fabricated into the Grail, and/or the Holy Grail. The Goblet of the Truth is the most important book in existence!
Symbols of the
Spiritual Teaching
Correct Peace Symbol
The correct ᛉ Peace Symbol, which is symbolic of the Tree of Life, is not that which is in use by the masses today, but is that which in verity reflects the ancient ᛦ Death Rune, resp. the Todesrune, which is indicative of Unpeace. As long the incorrect symbol remains in recognition and use, impulses, resp. energies, of a negative kind are generated and likewise released into the world, adversely effecting all life and all that is good.
The appropriate use of these symbols dates back since before medieval times, circa 200 AD, to as recent as the 20th century, to which during World War II the * Asterisk reflective of Born and † Cross reflective of Died, on tombstones and grave markers were appropriately replaced with ᛉ (reflective of Life/Born) and ᛦ (reflective of Death/Died). Whereas the inappropriate use of the unpeace symbol the Rune came into existence in the mere mid-twentieth century.
"Every human being believes to know what is meant by peace, as he knows it according to human experience. Yet to understand the wise peace of infinite existence of Spirit, of immortal Creation, simply exceeds his human understanding"
Correct OM Symbol
The आँ OM symbol in vast recognition today remains not of the true OM symbol, but is reflective of the Hindi OM symbol of a differing origin. The ॐ OM Symbol of Hindi origin is not deemed incorrect by way that it represents a thing of negative value, as it is true to its meaning, it is so because its meaning simply is of a different connotation than the original OM symbol.
Hindi derives of an Old Indo-Aryan language, which originated from the standardized Sanskrit dialect, becoming known as Vedic Sanskrit, which dates back to 1700-1200 BCE, while the original आँ OM Symbol of Lyran origin and dialect dates hundreds of thousands of years preceding Sanskrit.
आँ OM is the acronym for Omfalon Murado, resp. Omfalon ir Murado, which translates to Laws of Creation. The आँ OM is the true Creational Teachings, resp. Creational Laws, resp. Laws of Creation, as handed down in times immemorial to the human beings symbolic of its meaning (Omedams, scripturally termed Adams, as discussed in the annal "In The Beginning"). The OM in pervious times was regarded as the Omfalon Murado, Book of Truth, Navel of Life, and/or Life's Navel.
Source: OM 1978/2010, Goblet of the Truth 2007/2008, Arahat Athersata 1975/2004 and Symbols of the Spiritual Teaching 2004 by (Guardian of the Treasure)