"Either seeds of harmony or disharmony are sown by mankind upon the earth, thus what the human being bears witness to, a utopia or dystopia, is the fruit thereof, and in such, their inheritance"
(Whose Lives are Illuminated by Love)
Prophecies and Predictions
Foremost, it is imperative that one understand the terms Prophecy and Prediction in there correct and true form.
A Prophecy is that which can be changed via the direct action(s) and/or inaction(s) of the human being(s), bringing about either the fulfilling or averting of an event or a sequence of events, which usually applies to events of human origin (i.e. if an extensive food shortage were Prophesized to outbreak, due to the long-term use of toxins such as herbicides, insecticides, pesticides, etc., in farming, the direct discontinuation of such would prevent the occurrence of mass famine and the foreseeable resulting deaths).
A Prediction is that which can not be changed regardless of the actions and/or inactions of the human being(s), thus deeming the event unavoidable or no longer unavoidable, which usually applies to events of natural and/or cosmic origin. Heed that while the cause may not be stopped, humanity may be able to divert from its effect (i.e. if Vesuvius were Predicted to erupt in Rome, departing those lands, as well as not taking up new residence within its vicinity, would deter the loss of unnecessary lives).
"And in distant times it will be, when the Forth Millennium after Jmmanuel comes, that the human is the carrier of the Creational Truth, and that all living things are creations of the one and only Creation, of the Universal Consciousness, and that Creation alone is, and knows, the secret of all things, and that it stands immeasurably much higher than all the gods and idols who, without exception, are of human origin."
(Guardian of the Treasure)
It is not solely the position of a Herald of Truth, resp. a Prophet (Messenger), to bring (communicate) to the masses that which can be changed (Prophecies=Alterable Events) and that which can not (Predictions=Unalterable Events), as well as that which is deemed likely (Probabilities=Likely Events), that they may heed the warnings, resp. the seeable and/or foreseeable outcomes given (the effects), of which would result directly from the human beings actions and/or inactions (the causes); but moreso to bring to the people the Spiritual Teaching, resp. the Creation-Energy Teaching, and instruct the masses on the Teaching of Truth, Teaching of Spirit and Teaching of Life.
The life, and the preservation of such, as well as that of the lands, remains the sole responsibility of humanity as a whole!
Source: Prophecies and Predictions 1951/1958 by (Guardian of the Treasure)