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Omedam (Earth Human)
(Fulfiller of the Laws of Creation)

Correct OM Symbol _ आँ Relegeous Truth

The Human Being of Earth species is called Omedam (Om-e-dam) which translates to "OM=Law" "E=and" "DAM=Earth Human", or alternatively, its meaning could be interpreted as "OM=Law" "E=and" "DAM=Fulfillment", as the created Omedam (Earth Human) species intended purpose was, and is, to be the Fulfiller of the Law.


The Law being the OM, which is the acronym for Omfalon Murado, resp. Omfalon ir Murado, which translates to "Laws of Creation". In such, the Earth Human (Omedam), is the 'Fulfiller of the Laws of Creation'.

Correct Peace Symbol _ आँ Relegeous Truth

"To fulfill the meaning of life means to fulfill the consciousness-related, and spiritual, evolution, in which, among other things, the meaning is also provided for working on, and living by, all values relating in every way to truly being human. To be evolutional in terms of the consciousness means to come into the world in order to direct the thoughts and feelings towards Creation and everything creational, as well as towards Love, Knowledge, Wisdom, Inner-Peace, Inner-Freedom, Balance and Harmony, and to bear complete Self-Responsibility in every respect."

(Guardian of the Treasure)

Correct OM Symbol _ आँ Relegeous Truth

1. Primary Life

  1. Primary development of intellect and consciousness.

  2. Primary intellect and consciousness thinking.

  3. Primary intellect thinking.

  4. Primary intellect-and-consciousness application. 

  5. Primary intellectual actions.

  6. Primary volitional thought and action.

  7. Intellectual conduct of life. 


Life forms in these stages are called insane (consciousness-sick) by already rational beings, idiots, etc., but whose consciousness and intellect are in reality simply not yet developed in terms of knowledge (new mind, which must first be formed through learning and experience, etc.).

2. Life of Reason

  1. Primary development of reason.

  2. Effective realization of reason and its application. 

  3. Primary recognition and acknowledgment of higher influences. 

  4. Belief in higher influences without possessing knowledge.

  5. Belief in higher powers, delusion, fear of evil, worship of god etc. etc. Germination time for religions etc.

  6. Primary recognition of the real reality. Stage of knowledge development. Research, first spiritual cognitions (= conscious cognition and use of the Creative-Natural Laws and Recommendations) and their use: spiritual healing (= healing by consciousness forces, knowledge and wisdom), telepathy etc. (present level of the average earth human being).

  7. Primary development of knowledge and wisdom.

3. Intellectual Life

  1. High development of intellect. High technology, second use of spirit power (= use of the Creative-Natural Laws and Recommendations energy) with first cognitions. Primary procreation of life-forms.

  2. Realization and application of knowledge, truth and wisdom. Slow dismantling of belief assumptions (present stage of educated earth man = scientist etc.).

  3. First utilization of knowledge and wisdom.

  4. Recognition and utilization of the laws of nature. Creation of hyper-technology. Second procreation of life forms.

  5. Natural application of knowledge and wisdom in recognition of the spirit forces (= recognition of the creative-natural laws-and-commands-energy). Further dismantling of faith assumptions. 

  6. Living in the knowledge of wisdom, truth and logic.

  7. Primary recognition of the reality as a real absolute (present stage of a few frontiers, and spiritual scientists).

4. Real Life

  1. Clear knowledge of reality as a real absolute.

  2. Recognition of spiritual knowledge and spiritual wisdom. 

  3. Utilization of the spirit knowledge and the spirit wisdom.

  4. Recognition of the reality of creation and its laws. 

  5. Living according to the creative laws. Clarification of the spirit (= consciousness) and the intellect. Recognition of the real task and power of the spirit. Total dismantling of all belief assumptions (your [note meant is Billy's] present stage, which already goes to the next one [statement according to Semjase about Billy]).

  6. Purposeful and controlled utilization of spiritual and consciousness forces.

  7. Procreation of first viable life forms.

5. Creational Life

  1. Procreation and control of life forms.

  2. Creation of machine/apparatus viable life forms. 

  3. Spiritual and consciousness power development to control material and organic life forms.

  4. Willful mastery of life and all its forms and species (present stages of our races [statement of Semjase with regard to the Plejaren]).

  5. Stage of cognitions. Recollections of past lives, etc. (statement of Semjase in relation to the Plejaren).

  6. Wisdom kingship = JHWH. Second last highest knowledge of power (statement of Semjase concerning the Plejaren).

  7. Recognition of spiritual peace, universal love and creative harmony (statement of Semjase concerning the Plejaren).

6. Spiritual Life

  1. Recognition and realization of spiritual peace, universal love and creative harmony.

  2. Life in purely spiritual forms.

  3. Spiritual creations.

  4. Disembodiment of spirit from organic bodies (level High Council).

  5. First spiritual existence (level Arahat Athersata).

  6. Final spiritual existence (level Petale).

  7. Transition into creation.

7. Life of the Creation

  1. Twilight sleep for seven periods (eternities).

  2. Awakening and creation beginning in creation as creation during seven periods/eternities.

  3. Creation of life forms.

  4. Creation of new spirit (1.1) in perfection of creation.

  5. Creation of spiritual greatness in creation.

  6. Perfection of creation in creation.

  7. Final attainment of highest (relative: note Billy) perfection of the seventh period/eternity.

Correct Peace Symbol _ आँ Relegeous Truth

"Walk in the light of truth like children of the light, for it is radiating light which is full of love, kindness, justice and truth within knowledge"

(Guardian of the Treasure)

Correct OM Symbol _ आँ Relegeous Truth

The (7) Virtues of the Human Being

  • Moderateness

  • Steadfastness

  • Attentiveness

  • Honesty

  • Discretion

  • Carefulness

  • Benevolence

The (7) Foundations of Being Human

  • Modesty

  • Anti-Materialism

  • Perseverance

  • Patience

  • Peace

  • Universal Love

  • Understanding

The (7) Pillars of Wisdom are the path of life, everything which is progression and BEING:

  • Love

  • Truth

  • Righteousness

  • Knowledge

  • Logic Consequences

  • Respect

  • Honor​

The (7) Senses of the Human Being

  • Touch

  • Smell

  • Taste

  • Hear

  • See

  • Feel

  • Perceive

The (7) Mights of Formation of the Psyche

  • Love

  • Music/Singing

  • Poetry

  • Nature

  • Satisfaction

  • Light

  • Peace

The (7) Values toward the Evolution of the Consciousness

  • Love

  • Knowledge

  • Wisdom

  • Inner-Peace

  • Inner-Freedom

  • Balance and Harmony

  • Self-Responsibility

The (7) Recommendations of Truth / The Conscience of Purity

  • The conscience of purity is without fear

  • The equalizedness rests upon wisdom

  • The laws of nature rest upon the plan of creation

  • Affliction carries the teaching of the truth

  • The spirit-we4alth is the value of the culmination point

  • The strength of the character and of all virtues lies within the laws of nature

  • The teaching of Creation alone lives in accordance with logic

Source: Nokodemjon his successor personalities and the sevenfold prophethood on earth 2008/2013, The supernatural or fluidal-power 2010, The Psyche 1973/1979/1994, 7 Main Factors in the Human Life-Spiritual Teaching Lesson No. 31 and Contact Report 248 by (Guardian of the Treasure and the FIGU)

Correct Peace Symbol _ आँ Relegeous Truth
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