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Nokodemion (The Flawless Valueful One)
Origins of the the Prophethood 

Correct OM Symbol _ आँ Relegeous Truth

The ancient texts of various religions speak of the coming and/or second coming of God (aka Allah/Yahweh/Jehovah/El/Elohim/etc.) and/or the one they call the Savior (aka Jesus/Issa/Yeshuah/Yuz Asaf/etc.), while others reckon a Prophet is to come and/or the Son of God (Son of Man) is to return with his 144k Angels (Soldiers of God/Heaven), whom are said to judge, as well as fight, all evils on Earth during a presumed End Time. Hitherto the masses remain in grave ununderstanding as to the truth of this long-awaited misstated prophecy, for the ancient texts of old have been falsified since time immemorial and remains such today. This falsification had been carried out by the hands of those to which the Prophets of old had warned the masses of and remains so falsified to this day by the hands of those anew. 

The Prophet Jeremiah (aka Aramiah/Armiya/Irmiya/Urmiya/etc.) spoke of the coming of a Prophet in the New Age whose name would mean the Guardian of the Treasure, whom would dwell upon the mountain shaped as a horseshoe to which his People would amalgamate anew to assist him in the time of the great fulfillment. While this ancient prophecy (although greatly misconstrued) is indeed indicative of the masses second coming of their elected person of conviction (albeit a God, the Son of God, the Son of Man, or a Prophet alike), they remain obscurely unaware of his arrival at the cusp of the second to third millennia. The truthful purpose of the coming of a Prophet (Messenger), as well as of his People (his Faithful) helpers, is 'not' to save, but rather to 'bring warning' and 'offer guidance' to humanity.


The masses must reason why they remain unaware of this arrival, as well as for what purpose was it to be carried out in this manner in the New Age, that the Prophet would enter not into the public sector, taking to the lands as done in times immemorial, to reveal his presence? To abridge, it was to be undertook in this manner, because the ill-willed ones of old took the ancient texts (that which was taught by the Prophets of old, respectively the Teaching of the Prophets, which were the true Laws and Recommendations of the Creation) and falsified/manipulated said doctrine, which resulted in a system of control (Earthly Religion), to which the masses would heedlessly follow, yet see not how they remain bound to it.


Thus, it is to be finally understood by the masses that the Prophets 'did not' teach Religion, but in truth brought the essence of the Relegeon, and it was their teachings and truths brought forth that were falsified by the hands of men in times immemorial, to which false earthly religions ultimately arose. In consequence, while the Prophets of old and their Faithful were indeed accepted by some in truth, they were more so erroneously exalted or deified by others, and largely persecuted by those in positions of power, for bringing a truth to the masses the ill-willed ones sought to remain veiled. For this reason, it is to be so, that the truly seeking one ought find their way to the Prophet of the new time in this Golden Age of Man, via the power of their own free-will.

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"...the modern age human will sooner or later abandon Religion, and will then seek the true religion in association with the Relegeon, because they will in other words, find and recognize the real truth"
(The Demi-Queen of Wisdom)

Correct OM Symbol _ आँ Relegeous Truth

It was the primeval direct utilization of the aforespoken of, hindering system of consciousness-control (Earthly religions and sectarian systems) which was misused to subdue the masses to the ill-willed ones of ancient times, whom were the initial responsible for bringing such convictions of belief amidst the early peoples of Earth (Terrans) whom quickly adopted them as their own, which woefully incited the desired division among the people. For if there remained no unity, cohesion, equalizedness, or peace amid the masses (as they war and fight amid one another in false belief that there remain an elected religion by a God(s), whom are entitled to the inheritance of land, fortune, and power of authority over all others, etc.), the agenda of the ill-willed ones could remain concealed. This segregation of the masses was accomplished via the ancient ill-willed ones insisting there was a chosen people, whom had the right to inherit all upon the Earth. Equally the subduing of the masses to the ancient ill-willed ones was accomplished via the displaying of what ‘appeared’ to the masses to be as heavenly, unearthly, unhuman abilities (Signs and Wonders). 

In turn the ill-willed ones of old were raised up as idols and worshipped as Gods and Angels (whom were nothing more than invading Extraterrestrials) and for millennia this was likewise the case for their many ruling descendants, and ultimately became so with countless succeeding ill-willed ones, whom have been raised-up by the masses and falsely recognized and venerated as ruling authorities, Holy Ones, Saints and false representatives of a God and/or Jesus for millennia to come. Consequently, the primeval masses 'willfully' took up the misdeeds presented by the ancients and carried on in conflict over being the said chosen ones to which all Earthly rights belonged.


Accordingly, the masses woefully unheedingly fulfilled every evil deed and desire of the ill-willed ones of antiquity, the likes which remains carried out the same today, via the same systems, as well as newly created systems of control (all earthly religions and sects), while the ill-willed ones themselves lift not a finger, as stated in Matthew 23:3-4, "All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do; but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not. For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men’s shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers", and it has been so! The masses ought ponder, that if man were in fact already saved via the one known as the Savior, said to have died for the sins of mankind, that they themselves bare no burden or responsibility for such, then for what reason was the coming of a Prophet anew foretold and/or the returning of an assumed Savior warranted?

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 “Open your eyes and raise up your heads, if you are able to recognize Nokodemjon, who walketh in many forms and with many names as chosen One of the Earth ... Verily, on that day you will see the wise of wise ones, who hath made himself as 'Son of Man', and on that day all kings and mighty and high ones and those who possess the stronghold, and they will see and recognize him, how he sits on the throne of his modest glory."
(OM 33:65-67)

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All began when a Highly Spiritually Evolved Extraterrestrial Being by the name of Nokodemion (who presently knows an age greater than 86 thousand-million years old, to which no conceivable earthly calculation exists, but may be somewhat comparable to billions) from the planet Sadr in the Waron Star System of the now dissolved Lyren Galaxy, within another space-time continuum, initiated upon himself a very great task that would continue to be carried out to this very day. Nokodemion, throughout the course of his own very long existence of millions of years, had come to recognize the truth about the Great Creator, respectively the Creation. Having become all-knowing in vast knowledge of the Universal Natural Laws and the Creational Laws and Recommendations for all great times, he recognized the evolutive value this great knowledge could be to all Beings in developing worlds. Accordingly, Nokodemion integrated his vast knowledge in to what would become known as the Spiritual Teaching, respectively the Teaching of the Spirit (in the modern era deemed the Creation-Energy Teaching, which comprises the Teaching of the Truth, Teaching of the Spirit and Teaching of the Life), and it was this teaching he set out to share amid many evolving worlds as a Teacher of Truth, respectively a Herald of Truth. In the modern era, this teaching may be found amid the Goblet of the Truth, which is past times was known as the Cauldron of Life, which was later fabricated into the Grail and/or the Holy Grail (although these past doctrines ultimately fell prey to falsification).

Nokodemion voyaged to diverse planets amid vast galaxies far and wide, teaching his knowledge, wisdom and understanding to the most diverse Beings, from which he lovingly created his People. He did not create these People by way that he would have begotten them, but by way that as he traveled to planets near and far, those whom willfully gravitated toward and followed him, wishing to become knowing ones, he instructed in the Laws and Recommendations of the Creation, and joined them together as People approximately 29.5 thousand-million years ago on the Planet Sadr. Henceforth, ultimately via both natural procreation and artificial creation others had come about from Nokodemion, to which they all became great knowing ones, becoming known amid vast worlds as Nokodemion's People, and equally his Faithful. Over a great time, many millions joined this Faithful group, in which they collectively became known as the Nokodemion-Henoch Lineage. The amalgamating of the Faithful became so by way that albeit Nokodemion was beyond wise, and known as the All Knowing One, to take on such a task as instructing Beings across vast worlds solitarily, was nevertheless far to great a task for one Being alone to bear, thus Nokodemion gathered his Faithful, whom had thenceforth joined him in his travels and aided Nokodemion in his efforts toward many diverse Beings amid many evolving planets. 


Over a great time, in which Nokodemion had met the becoming and the passing, and to which he had ultimately evolved to a high evolutionary immaterial state and plane, his Peoples had greatly multiplied, to which 'some' of his People had become 'apostate' to the Laws of Creation turning away from them. Having great knowledge of the Laws of Creation woefully brought neither to Nokodemion's People wisdom nor true understanding of its great power and responsibility. Consequently 'some' amid his People of a 'diverse kind' reckoned themselves as a privileged Peoples, ultimately envisioning themselves as representatives of the Creation and/or the Creation itself (the Creation had later become intertwined with the notion of God amid Earthly Religions), to which consequently the true Teaching of Nokodemion had woefully become greatly confounded and thus many amid his people turned away from the Teaching. ​​

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"And at first, the just were rebellious to Creation due to an evil oath, yet they wanted to atone and pay seven thousand lives, to be just again under the wise of wise ones, under the Head of Days, Nokodemion. Thus they promised with a holy oath of determination, to newly and truly begin to live after seven thousand lives of atonement, to bring justice to Earth as just ones. And those honored, praised and exalted Creation in wisdom, and they proved themselves as wise in their speech and in the Spirit of life; yet they fell away from the wisdom and truth and thus they created the injustice on Earth. Yet they submitted themselves to the Head of Days, the wise of wise ones, Nokodemion, who by the powers of Creation, so thus by Its laws and recommendations, sits on the modesty of his throne of wisdom"
(OM 33:51-54)

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​Due to the great extent of this misfortune, 9.6 thousand-million years ago Nokodemion voluntarily returned from the high-spiritual plane for the sake of his gone astray Peoples to bring them to reason. After a great time, some among his People would still have not yet found their way, warranting Nokodemion's return a subsequent time 1.2 thousand-million years ago, in which Nokodemion's efforts would seemingly become successful and the fallible Peoples (comprising of many generations of his Peoples) would find the way of the right. By this time, his Peoples had greatly multiplied and remained scattered amid multiple worlds within two space time continuums, to which some of the very distant descendants of his Peoples (numbering by the tens of thousand-millions) whom had turned to the way of the wrong, found their way to Terra (Earth) and become chronicled as the Gods and/or Angels of old, respectively the Sons and Daughters of Heaven, of the Earthly Religions 389,000 years ago, resp, in 387,000 BCE.


After such great fallacy and the woeful events chronicled in the annals herein, Nokodemion for the love of his People, bestowed upon himself the task of entering the 'reincarnation' cycle on Earth, to bring to mankind of earth anew the Laws of Creation and the Spiritual Teaching, respectively the Creation-Energy Teaching, that the Omedam (Earth Human) may release themselves from the bondage of untruth to which they have been bound since time immemorial. To accomplish such a task, Nokodemion (in new form) gathered 144k of his Faithful whom avowed their service to him for a great time, with whom he arrived to Terra (Earth) approximately 389,000 years ago.

​​Nokodemion's undeniable love of the Creation and for his Peoples, would remain the unwavering driving force in devoutly aiding the Omedam (Earth Humans/Terrans/Terrestrials) find their way to the truth and to the way of the right. Accordingly, Nokodemion would 'repeatedly' reincarnate (not resurrect as this remains an impossibility following having been long-deceased, thus it is to be understood that it is the Spirit-form which reincarnates, not the individual that resurrects) on Terra (Earth) in 'new form' and 'named anew' amid vast timelines, until the task has reached fulfillment. Accompanying the Nokodemion Spirit-form (of the present alethonym "Guardian of the Treasure"), whom would likewise appear again in new form and named anew would be various among his Faithful Spirit-forms to aid him in his mission of dissemination of the truth, as has been the case since time immemorial, until the mission has reached fulfillment in 3999 CE.

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Correct Peace Symbol _ आँ Relegeous Truth

- and the OM revealeth the secret about the inhabitants of earth -

"Those who are fallible, are human beings, to whom a dwelling place is given on Earth..."

" will be your own descendants in your reincarnations, so you art the descendants of your descendants at the same time, and the procreators of the procreators and therefore, the old ones of the procreators and the old ones of the old ones..."

" I say this, I, Henoch, the son of Jared. And this is the beginning of the speech of wisdom of this vision, which I began to speak and to tell to those who dwell upon and are human beings of Earth and therefore the Sons and Daughters of the Heavens..."


(OM 31:41, 196, 905 and 906)

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The true history of Earth is beyond what may be fathomed by the human being of the modern time and is such that it entails the Earth having become the home to countless extraterrestrials (whom came to Earth in many groupings of thousands to thousand-millions over vast timelines), and came both before and after the Earth itself became capable of the Creation of its own human form of life. Thus, it remains of no consequence whether one whom currently dwells upon the Earth (todays vast diverse human races), arose as such from having once immigrated, refuged, invaded, exiled, intermixed, followed and/or returned to the Earth, for their true origins nevertheless emanate from the vastness of space and time, of which they will only slowly begin to unveil in this new age.


What is of true and greatest importance, remains that which has been since times of old, in such that woefully those whom collectively dwell upon the earth had become apostate (turned away) and/or rejected the Laws and Recommendations of the Creation since time immemorial, to which all evils came to exist and sorrowfully persist on Earth. Consequently, one ought not look to thy neighbor for culpability, those is position of power and/or whom appear to possess the strong-hold, as this remains of no avail, if one truly heeds the aforementioned parable from the Book of Truth (OM) with lucidity. It is such, that during this Golden Age of Man (the time of the Water Bearer), is when humanity will only just begin to unhurriedly awake, heed the unfolding entropy and seek the truth, as well as heed the Laws and Recommendations of the Creation (for presently only few trod and/or walk this path).


Verily, human being of earth, heed what has come to pass in forgone times, but lament not over what has gone. Let it be so, that the ones of this time having 'justly evolved', whom unveil the guarded treasure (Truth), set forth and unproselytizingly share their acquired golden nuggets of illumination (Wisdom) amid their kin and thy neighbor alike, that well beyond this time, the way of righteousness may be sought by 'every' human being, for the heeding of the Creations Laws and Recommendations remains the sole route to which true Peace may inevitably be fostered upon the Earth and humanity may be saved.

Source: Nokodemjon his successor personalities and the sevenfold prophethood on earth 2008/2013, OM 1987/2011 and Contact Reports 009, 228, 238, 251, 469 and 536 by (Guardian of the Treasure)

Nokodemion/Nokodemjon | The Prophets/Teachings of the Prophets | Jesus/Jesus Christ/Jesus of Nazareth | Jmmanuel/Immanuel/Emmanuel | Henoch/Enoch | Elijah/Elias/Elia | Isaiah/Jesaia | Jeremiah/Jeremia | Mohammed/Muhammed | Enoch/Henoch | Angel Gabriel | Allah/God/Gospod | City of Atlantis/Agartha/Hyperborea/Mu/Lemuria | Great Flood/Deluge

(the Journey to Truth and the Mission)

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