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आँ Relegeous Truth

Nokodemion and the Faithful

The Mission
Correct Peace Symbol _ आँ Relegeous Truth

Finally, it should be noted that that part of the 144,228 people who live on Earth and who have not yet given account for their origin, although they may perhaps suspect it or even know it, should become aware that the mission of Nokodemion urgently needs their support and help and that they promised and committed themselves to this as well as to their cooperation already millions of years ago. After all, these few are opposing an immensely ‘superior’ number of currently approx. 8.3 thousand million (2013) earth people and an immense task and mission. Only through the instruction and example of those human beings who hear the voice of truth within themselves and know that the ‘Teaching of the Truth, Teaching of the Spirit, Teaching of the Life’ is the way of the Creative-Natural evolution of all people, do the many people on earth who are misled and captive in religions and sects or attached to other falsehoods, have the chance to find a viable way out of the darkness and despair of their unknowing, their dependency and enslavement of consciousness.


Only by carrying the truth into the world with all the means available and tirelessly pointing out all the falsehoods, will people on earth be able to slowly recognize the truth and the path of Spiritual Teaching over the coming centuries and begin to accept it. The ‘Silent Revolution of Truth’ must take place in the thinking of every single human being on this earth – but this requires the tireless and selfless help and the powerful commitment of every human being who hears the 'call' of truth within themselves and recognizes with absolute certainty the rightness of the ‘Teaching of the Truth, Teaching of the Spirit, Teaching of the Life’ in accordance with the Laws of the Creation. The performance of the task to which the Nokodemion peoples have voluntarily and in self-determination committed themselves will have a balancing and beneficial outcoming effect on their lives and their evolution. With combined powers, they will ultimately succeed in leading the mission to lasting success if they fight the coming fight in unity and mutual support and do not betray their responsibility but remain loyal to it. 


Nokodemion Book (Epilogue)

Correct OM Symbol _ आँ Relegeous Truth

FOREORDINATION (Fügungsmässig)

My Spirit-forms origin is that of Nokodemion’s People, resp. of the Faithful, originally an Extraterrestrial Being from a foreign world (however descended from a higher plane), whom voluntarily migrated to Earth with Nokodemion for the mission a great time ago. 


Some of the Faithful of forgone times chose themselves to ‘be of service’ to the evolving beings of galaxies all throughout space and time, thus they remain throttled-back self-appointed missioners (my innate feeling to fulfill and be of service/help). The Faithful (comprised of both Old and New Spirit-forms) are known to hold a Spirit-form age upward of 8 to 69 million years in age upon mission start (while the earth human knows a Sprit-form age of 4 to 8 million years), to which some of the Faithful are of the evolutionary-level of the High Council (yet are presently throttled-back to an evolutive value defined as slightly above the earth human - accounting for my great/vast material/immaterial experiences throughout the Awakening), while others whom joined this faithful group at later times, whom are of a lesser evolution, are correspondingly set with an evolutive value equal to that of the earth human.


Prior to the undertaking of the dire mission on Earth, which had come to pass due to the fallacies noted in the aforesaid annals, the Faithful had assisted Nokodemion with the dissemination of the Spirit Teaching and consciousness-evolution of many species throughout vast Galaxies for millions of years, thus foreordained themselves for the difficult task on Earth in accordance with such. The Faithful are to openly aid with the dissemination of the Spiritual Teaching to the varying inhabitants of Earth, including the very many distant descendants of the Nokodemion-Henoch Linage, resp. of Nokodemion's Original Peoples. The Faithful remain thinly sewn amid the masses, throttling-forward independently (unfolding of the teaching and truths known since time immemorial (the knowing), working both autonomously and in unity with others alike, to disseminate the truth and the teaching to those of the modern era whom are the seekers, questioners and inquisitors of truth. 

Some of the Faithful spirit-forms were held in stasis in the beyond for a time until reincarnation was deemed appropriate, as per the state of the mission, while other of the Faithful incarnated at later times. Some of the Faithful remain oriented towards living within the Creative-Natural Laws and Recommendations, to which all life happenings remain apart from religion and sects. These tend to live simple lives, are inclined toward service to others and are oriented toward a loner-state (so to speak), or act individually, and take-up the impulses when incited (myself).  

Correct Peace Symbol _ आँ Relegeous Truth

Before Nokodemion-Henok began again with his mission 12 million years ago, he first brought the distant descendants of the peoples together again in laborious work and partly pacified them. However, this could not be done without help, which is why he gathered a large group of new personalities around him, who committed themselves to his mission. And this big group of people, some of them were downgraded consciously via the level Arahat Athersata as well as Petale and they were already helpful to Nokodemion earlier and were many millions of years old and according to the Laws of Creation they would have been in the level High Council long ago, they were downgraded purposefully, just as Nokodemion, by special measures via the highest pure spirit form level Petale as well as Arahat Athersata, in order not to enter the level High Council between 40 and 60 million years. The downgrading took place in such a way that this group of people and their spirit forms were given the possibility via the pure spirit levels to remain capable of reincarnation again and again over many millions of years and to inspire new personalities again and again, which then could appear helping the prophet, whereby the obligation was to work again and again for the mission and to stand up for it, namely always then, when the old Nokodemion-Henok-Henoch-spirit form was or is active. 


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Twelve million years ago, both old and new spirit forms came, animating new human bodies and new forms of consciousness with new personalities. The spirit forms of the Original Peoples and their descendants up to 12 million years ago had already entered the level of High Council, while only a larger group was excluded from it, precisely those who committed themselves to the mission and were therefore downgraded and enabled for it by the levels of Arahat Athersata and Petale.


​Nokodemion Book Pg. 80

Now, however, through Nokodemion as well as the planes Arahat Athersata' and Petale" a mission is given, and this is fulfilled by very certain people who have existed here on earth for eight to twelve million years, of whom, however, a certain number of spirit forms are already 69 million years old and who have remained missionary and have come here through the planes Arahat Athersata and Petale and have begun to work here. And this large group is already fulfilling the mission between eight and twelve million years. It is this one then, who when Nokodemion created the mission, agreed to be likewise downgraded by the help of the Arahat Athersata and Petale planes, back to the usual normal level of those people who are to be taught.


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As of today the entirety of the Faithful missioners total upward of 52-Millon volunteers across vast worlds, amid 2 space-time continuums, to which 1,151,828k of the diverse distant descendants of the Nokodemion/Henoch linage (most of Extraterrestrial Spirit-form, with the lesser of Pure Earth Spirt-form) volunteered themselves, which remain specifically listed in the annals of the JHWH (One Who Lives the Life in Wisdom) of the times, to directly undertake the mission on Earth. Of the 575,914k missioners listed, only 287,707k remain currently active, while the remaining 288,207k await in the beyond for reincarnation (data as of 2016). These 287,707k whom presently actively enliven personalities may be found amid FIGU passive/interest group members and non-members, whereby the majority function in various fields of importance (with very few of minor importance). Some remain throttled-back/downgraded to a marginally higher evolution then the earth being and some throttled-back/downgraded to the current evolution of the earth being, to which this throttling-back likewise includes the Prophet (Guardian of the Treasure) of the New Age, whom remains throttled-back/downgraded to a much higher evolution then the Earth being at 27.2%.


What is to be understood about the history of the 144k is that in actuality various groupings of 144k came to earth at diverse times, in which the ultimate outcomes to their stays on Earth resulted at differing times in both the positive and/or negative toward the evolutive nature of the Earth and its inhabitants. A total of (8) batches of 144k came to Earth at different times in which ‘some’ amid these batches of 144k caused disharmony on Earth as repeat-offenders, while ‘some’ repeatedly remained faithful and fulfilled their tasks which had been so since time immemorial. The repeat-offending of those whom were fallible was ultimately brought to an end 13,500 years ago by the now Equitable (ancient Fallible) upon their inauguration of the Codex Oath, resp. Rund um Kodex, to ensure diversion from the mission would no longer occur. The present Faithful, to which a mere half remain currently active on earth, consists of an ‘amalgamation’ of both Old and New Spirit forms, from all (8) batches. Accordingly, it has been so that since the start of the final mission 13,500 years ago, resp. in 11,500 BCE, no more mishaps have occurred to prevent the fulfillment of the mission from a foreign prospect.

our annals refer to a number of eight different emigration powers of 144,000 persons each and 228 superiors each, who came to Earth in the course of more than two million years from the Nokodemion descendant peoples

(One Who Lives the Life in Wisdom)

Correct Peace Symbol _ आँ Relegeous Truth

If it had not been for these people, these Faithful and collaborators, and if it had not been for them today, the whole thing would have failed, and it would be impossible to achieve anything even today. They, the old mission-fulfillers, have carried out the whole into the expanses of the universe up to the earth over billions of years, just as the newer and newest mission-fulfillers have carried out the whole into the expanses of the universe up to the earth over millions of years, just as they do today and will also do in the future. The Teaching of the Prophets, Teaching of Truth, Teaching of Spirit, Teaching of Life resp. the Spirit Teaching, created by Nokodemion, will continue to be carried out as a unity by all mission-fulfillers, as well as by all those who cooperate in any small or big form.


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The Plejaren originate from the direct old Nokodemion line, and among them are also some, like Ptaah, Quetzal and Semjase etc., which belong to it, like however also different others. Only, these are on the Plejares, and the earthlings are here on Earth. On this world there are altogether 144,228k spirit-forms, which alternately animate people, who are mission-related. There are also other groupings with this number, which have been in other space-time structures in the area of the Wega-Lyra system and everywhere else on worlds foreign to Earth. On other worlds it is exactly the same, but there are millions of people altogether who live as the most distant descendants of the Nokodemion peoples. But here on earth it is only the small group of 144,228 spirit-forms and the people inspired with them, who, distributed all over the world, are included in the mission and who consciously or unconsciously take part in this task and thus still work today.


Nokodemion Book Pg. 92-93​

During all the tasks of the Nokodemion spirit form as a universal prophet, ‘changing parts’ of the 144,228k Faithful/Getreúer stood by him and supported him in his difficult mission. Thereby they mastered the most different tasks which were not limited to the direct cooperation with the respective prophet but could also be of such a kind that they had to be fulfilled without the personality concerned ever meeting the prophet or even hearing about him. During the long intervening periods when no universal prophet had to fulfill his mission, his Faithful were active in the most different personalities in the sense of the mission and pushed it forward as best they could within the given possibilities.


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Those whom have remained divergent from the mission since time immemorial elected for themselves (core and would be core group members) in future incarnations to be placed under the direct guidance of the appointed Prophet of the New Age (Guardian of the Treasure), whilst those whom remain faithful to the mission since times immemorial simply undertake the mission task independently, in which they ‘take-up’ the predestined ‘impulses’ with every new personality incarnation on Earth, in which the impulses released from the Storage-Banks (Akashic Records) then allows them to become consciously/unconsciously aware of their foreordination, to which the proceeding course in turn leads them directly back to the course of the mission, as well as to the Prophet of the time, where council remains elective (myself). It is to be noted that not all core group members are of the Codex Equitable, for it had been furthermore agreed upon since times of old that the Prophet of the time be permitted to have changing Faithful appointed to him in each incarnation that would remain by his side as truly faithful.


“I will give them a heart to know me, that I am Nokodemion … Fear not, for I have ‘awoken’ you. I have ‘called you by your name’, for you are of my people, and shall ‘return’ to me with your whole heart” 

(The One Raised by the JHWH)

Correct Peace Symbol _ आँ Relegeous Truth

…those core group members who are destined to be in the core group…when they recognized that they had become unfaithful to their obligation as carriers of the mission and task, looked for a way to anchor the mission and the task connected with it more firmly in themselves.

…those faithful to the mission have perceived the relevant impulses from the memory banks, have deciphered them correctly and have put them to use, consequently they have searched for the way of the mission, have found it and now walk along it, as they have done since time immemorial. (myself)

Nokodemion Book Pg. 65

Billy's spirit knowledge and wisdom are so great that they are taught to all present descendant peoples of Nokodemion (except for a part of a small crowd living on the earth and comprising about 144,228k people (myself) and also to many other peoples who have developed independently from them.

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For those whom experience the aforementioned Awakening account, it is to be understood, that such a wakening experience is not a ‘gift’, but the immaterial ‘inheritance’ to those whom had previously undertaken the laborious work of advanced evolution and the procuring of spiritual knowledge, wisdom and understanding in times of old, thus all is ‘brought back to their remembrance’ when the appropriated efforts have been made. Some prepared for the mission for 4 million years, simultaneously with the aid of the highest Spirit-form levels of Arahat Athersata and Petale. The awakening process for a certain group is said to be swift and quite intense (for myself an approximate 21-months (7/7/7) to become knowing of the (Guardian of the Treasure) and rejoin the mission, indicative of their prior vast experience in the teachings and spreading of the truth, whereas as it is said to take other volunteers whom have predestined themselves for the mission years or even decades to reach such a point. For some the teachings would appear innate and already known to them.


“But the ‘Helper’ (the Spirit), whom Creation will send, will teach you all things, and bring to your ‘remembrance’ all things”

(The Initiator)

That which is brought back to one’s ‘remembrance’ is retrieved via Fine Fluidal Impulses, obtained from the Storage Banks (Akashic Records) via Meditation (high frequency/energy connection), which over current and future incarnations will reverse/throttle-forward the spiritual/evolutive throttling-back imposed on a certain group for the mission. If a throttling-back were not done, a complete degeneration/deterioration would have been imposed on the volunteering immigrants to which completion of the mission would have resulted in a hinderance. As the immigrants must be able to coexist among the greatly-lesser evolved earthling life-forms and face great degeneracies extant, an evolutive throttling-back was completely necessary, to which a jolt/throttling-forward takes place for those whom experience a certain Awakening, and a continued calculable gradual throttling-forward ensues when certain criterion are pursued and/or met.

For the lesser evolved volunteering immigrants, an intense Awakening tend not be the case, but subtle impulses instead (i.e. inclinations, intuitions, signs, experiences, curiousness toward UFOs, etc.) in direction toward the (Guardian of the Treasure) shall occur, thus can result in a long and/or arduous journey as more life experience may be necessitated, likewise the teaching can appear as foreign and/or new to them, thus they may struggle with accepting/understanding the teaching. This however also can be the case with those incarnating for the first time for the mission (entering from stasis in the beyond), in oppose to those whom have begun reincarnating for the mission earlier on, as well as with those whom have succumbed to great degeneracies due to their experiences incarnating on earth, to which they have not yet overcome. (Upon impulse awakening those volunteers are to irradicate within themselves all degeneracies (not a perfection, but a neutral equilibrium), then impart their knowledge amid their kin/peers/etc., if accepting/present/able, prior to being prepared to aid nations.

Correct Peace Symbol _ आँ Relegeous Truth

And those people who fulfill the mission today resp. who work here on earth today, their spirit forms had partly already appeared in human bodies for the first time more than 12 million years ago, formed reason and intellect and acquired knowledge and wisdom. This process lasted the longest, a little more than 69 million years with some mission obligated. Then, 12 million years ago, a certain group of 144,228k people joined the Nokodemion-Henok mission to which they committed themselves. Later, a great many others followed the same commitment, their number to be calculated with many millions. 

Nokodemion Book Pg. 81

But there are some among the human beings of nations who have true visions during sleep and during waking and who are called seers and clairvoyants and who truly see events of the past and future in clairvoyance. But of those who have visions only few exist among every nation in real truthful manner, if they are free of belief-thinking and free of sects and religions, if they are the truly knowing about the Truth of Creation and about its Laws and Recommendations and its Seven-fold order.

OM Book

Correct OM Symbol _ आँ Relegeous Truth


PRE-UNVEILING: During my adolescence I had not viewed or felt myself any different than any other, I simply heeded that for reasons that remained inexplicable to myself, those whom I was surrounded by remained unaccepting of me, which appeared to stem simply due to my being of a different nature (i.e. dissimilar interests, conduct, etc.) as I carried myself differently then others and correspondingly did not flow and/or fall in line with the ways of the time. Due to such, I felt rather alone, for all I truly longed for was the deep love and acceptance of my kin and peers, to the extent that I even attempted to fit-into the narrative/scene by wearing the mask of others. Nevertheless the wearing of the mask was to no avail, as acceptance was only ever superficial and/or temporary, thus the wearing of the mask never remained long-lived and I in time simply became accepting and embracing of me (realizing the immaterial wealth with which I was endowed, outweighed all material things) thus no longer made such superficial attempts.


It was so, that in my youthful ununderstanding (the veil of unconsciousness for the protection of the higher-consciousness, to which the unfolding occurs in waves upon certain events/experiencing taking place), as kinsfolk was of the utmost importance, it weighed on me heavily, as to how I appeared to effortlessly establish pleasant passing relationships with diverse peoples, yet the inability to have such amid thy own kin remained a quandary. I had come to discern with lucidity that it was simply such, that they could not truly give to me, what they themselves still sought (acceptance), thus in truth, did not have to give (e.g. love in its truest form, resp. to love undyingly, without restriction, without expectation, without judgement, without the need to earn it and without the need to return it, but to simply love nevertheless, realizing that one ought not be rejected for their differences, but all ought be accepted in their individuality/uniqueness, for it merely remains such that each one is a piece-'part' of the 'whole', for we are 'one'), providing me with the conception that they simply necessitated more time for the discovery of their true selves, in such, acceptance of themselves.


Thus, despite habitual dismissal, I routinely made/make familial efforts at various times, and while these remain mostly to no avail, the likes to which may prove not possible amid those of my elder kin is any respect, I remain optimistic nonetheless that such will be possible in later times. It likewise remained such, that as I faced adversity while under the veil of unconsciousness, although not always in clear understanding, I innately never felt as though the life were hard and/or unfair, to which I later came to understand upon the lifting of the veil, that is was innately so within, for the reason that it was necessitated for the true fulfillment of the living of the life, thus became so without.


The reason for providing a brief glimpse of background, remains for the purpose to expound that irrespective of the dismissal of kin and peers alike, notwithstanding I felt no different than the next, which also did not change upon my discovery of an ability.

UNVEILING: I was upon my later teens in age when the ability of an extra-sensory perception revealed itself, to which a vision had come to me which entailed an individual with whom I was closely involved with. I brought the vision which was of a disheartening sad nature to this person, to which I longed for clarification, but more-so longed for negation. Not a thing within me questioned bringing this vision to this person, as I simply innately 'perceived' that all humans had this ability within them, which for me appeared as second-nature. Upon the unveiling of the vision to this person, the individual remained in surprise and demanded to know the possibility in which I would have 'known' such (yet without confirming its truth). While I simply remained focused on the confirming and/or negation of the vision (although in all its essence, I innately knew was in fact of truth), the individual remained fixated on the possibility of its disclosure. Inevitably the individual confirmed the vision and upon our exchange of strong words, had I come to fathom that perhaps this ability had not been as common as I had inferred. To avert further rejection from those around me, I guarded this as a treasure and had not openly shared it (not this experience nor any other for a great time). 

​Shared herein are (7) recounts of Clairvoyance (6th and 7th senses), recapitulating visions of the past, present and the future. 



  • (1) CC: the aforementioned Dream-Vision pertaining to a Prophet of past times (this dream directed me toward the Prophet of the new time upon Awakening).

  • (2) Transpired mid-late 19th century (approximately 1850 to 1899) to which I appeared to be 30 to 40 years of age (being either single or widowed), with a young child about 2 years of age with blonde hair and blue eyes. Noted upon a brief glimpse of myself given via the reflection on an outside glass entry door to which I knocked for entry, I noted that I maintained the feature of the brownish-red hair I have today, yet ascetically appeared different with brighter eyes, yet maintained certain minor similarities. The setting was that of Old Europe and while my attire was that of the corresponding Victorian era it was clearly worn and dated. I appeared to be living in a rather tiny rented room within a poor house and was bussing at a local eatery, having been paid the days wages at the end of the day in coin currency. 

  • (3) Transpired early-mid 20th century (post-war), to which I appeared to be 18 to 25 years of age. The general population appeared to be of fair skin and blonde or brown hair, speaking a language I appeared to be unfamiliar with (something of a Germanic nature). I was with an individual of blonde hair and blue eyes (likely partner). Noted about myself upon a brief glimpse given via a reflection on a shattered store-front glass window upon passing by, was that I again maintained the feature of the brownish-red hair I have today, yet ascetically appeared different, yet again maintained certain similarities. I also appeared a bit displaced amid the other people with my light kaffee und milch complexion. The individual with whom I walked seemed to be abreast with the native language, as well as English. Everyone’s clothing appeared severely worn and my attire was nothing more than a long tunic-style shirt as clothing, and galoshes. The setting was sad and war-torn! Again, I appeared to be residing within a building-makeshift-shelter laid with many mattresses across many rooms for people to sleep, which appeared to be the situation for everyone. There was only one nook in which one could obtain food, to which paper money was utilized in oppose to coin currency and it brought the same small bowl of food that everyone was to consume. 

NOTES: In all dream-visions pertaining to myself, albeit my physical appearance had differing characteristics, there was innate confirmation (knowing) that it was without a doubt myself and all dream-vision views were that of ‘through-my-eyes’. Upon being completely awoke, the vividness of the emotions felt were as real as if it had just occurred. Awoke, with stark clarity I could still feel the cold wrought-iron railing against my hand as I walked slowly up the wobbling spiral Victorian stairs, and the woeful feeling of disquiet and desolation upon walking the cobblestone war-torn streets. It was as though it were all simply being brought back to my ‘remembrance’ and with certainty I innately knew that the first dream-vision of greater significance was an earlier incarnation, while the last two were my most recent previous incarnations (other dream-visions not documented here). Likewise discerned, is that my person continuously reincarnates as a certain sex when a Prophet is active, and/or a vital time in earth events are to take place. Dream-Visions likewise brought me to my foredestined life partner.



Directly following the Dreams-Visions, I began to experience what I can only define as Day-Visions. I would be going about the day’s work and I would receive instant flashes/images.

  • (4) to which I would know that my spouse were just about to call a mere few seconds prior and/or that my eldest child were to visit unexpectedly

  • (5) as well that we were just about to obtain a new client within moments of their call and/or the value of the gain

  • (6) the time my spouses dear friend would pass and other instances of this nature



(7) Death of Loved One:

  • 1st Day-Vision (Sunday): Upon the midst of a usual day, like a flash of lightning the individual appeared to me. There I saw them standing, golden brown hair gently blowing in the wind, as their brown eyes glazed wondrously upon the trees amid a blue sky, and as the flash of light that it had appeared, it vanished … On this day they confirmedly remained within the confines of their home. 

  • 2nd Day-Vision (Monday): Like a bolt of lightning with a cold wind chill, the individual appeared again to me. Striding amid the trees under a greyish sky canopy, to which the sun began to set, they carried on their backside a black travelers pack and held the appearance of a lost continence, and as the bolt of lightning that it had appeared, again it disappeared … As the day before, they remained yet nestled within their home.

  • 3rd Day-Vision (Tuesday): With strikes of thunder and lightning, and a great trembling wind, the individual appeared again to me. They walked amid a cold midnight darkness, with an empty continence, to which the trees remained no longer visible … They then gently laid still amid the ground in a slumber that appeared impossible to wake ... With the strike of a great shuttering impulse, a profound sense of loss overcame me, as though I were being prepared for their demise … Yet they remained as before, confirmedly settled within the walls of their home.

  • 4th Day (Wednesday): The visions replayed in succession, haunting my Soul (Psyche), as my Spirit (the Creation part within) attempted consolation and pressed acceptance from me of what had been shown. Nevertheless, I attempted to rid myself of the woe and contest what had been shown … I confirmed their well-presence yet again and that they remained within the safety of their home.

  • 5th Day (Thursday): The visions and impulses replayed in succession with the greatest of might, as I continued to attempt to rid myself of the dread. However, I innately began to accept the impulses, and reconcile deep within what I innately knew would come to be, but how soon it would arise, I remained unprepared for … On this very day, they had woefully gone astray.

  • 6th Day (Friday): With great unease I fought between emotion and logic, between fear and reason, and impulse and patience. I anxiously awaited to be shown, or perhaps longed to be shown, a different outcome … They remained unaccounted for and the innate haunting that they breathe no more had overcame me.

  • 7th Day (Saturday): With immense impulsations, it had befallen me that the time had come to no longer sufferingly wait in longing and wonder, that I must go find them, to which I distinctively knew that I would. The travel was embarked upon and a short few hours later, I stumbled upon the black travelers pack and consequently upon them … They were found laid rest beneath the cliff … As I burst into irrepressible woe, I could immediately sense the presence of many in the sky above all around, giving silent condolence, which provided a great sense of ease (although true relief could never be given me, for they had departed this life, with their spirit-form lying in-wait in the realm of the beyond, for the next).



The identity of my direct person remains of unimportance, thus as to not reveal such demographic inconsequentialities, the calculation details as it pertains to partner, life, death, etc. shall not be provided herein, rather the sole conclusion surrounding the facts shall be named alone, validating the accuracy of the Ancient Sciences.

  • Partner: As per the Scientific Calculations found within the Ancient Sciences for the foreordained missioners, we became acquainted at the quantified time.

  • Death: As per the Scientific Calculations found within the Ancient Sciences the calculation alluding to the death of the aforementioned loved one was so.

  • Healing: Physical health state renewed and preserved. Following (x) months of Fine-Fluidal/Energy Impulsation Cultivation (x) daily, all illnesses/ailments ceased/cured. 

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Through the Teaching of the Truth, Teaching of the Spirit, Teaching of the Life, which was offered and imparted to them in different incarnations, they were able to anchor it so deeply in themselves that they can recognize, ‘take up and implement the impulses’ in all relevant incarnations, because they perceive the truth in themselves as certainty and ‘IT IS SO’ clearly and then follow this perception and their inner knowledge and find their task in its fulfillment. (myself)


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IMPULSES (Speicherbänken / Ahnung)

Upon engaging in my innate practice (a form of innate deep introspective meditation), strong energy-impulses on the back of my neck and head began to increase within 10 to 15 minutes of doing so, in conjunction with the sensation of a static-electrical radiating current ascending the spine (similar to Chakra theory, although this has been greatly falsified). These impulses grow in strength, intensifying amid the back of my neck and proceeding to tingle amid the center of my forehead, encircling my temples and ultimately bursting/ejecting radiating atop my head with great force. Engaging in this introspective meditation practice provides me both a deep sense of peace and deep connection ‘to-all’, to which the more I engage, the more energy/impulses continue to effortlessly grow to quite exponential states, ultimately leading to a state undefinable by words, as the entire world having cease in-motion, and time simply standing still. 

The energy/impulses had evolved to a point in which I would be causally moving about throughout the passage of the day engaged in routine undertakings, and the moment I were to sit in my self-taught meditative practice (at any point in time of the day), the instance I were to close my eyes, the energies would promptly and effortlessly spark amid the back of my neck and head (no longer requiring 10 to 15 mins), bringing me to those senses nearly immediately. As these energies/impulses increased, I began to have the feeling as though my body were attempting to depart from me and/or lift-off the ground, as well as I would feel a radiating sensation throughout the entirety of my body that seemingly remained in affect nearly all day. After a short two weeks, in this state the world around me began to feel practically unreal, extremely buoyant, and then nearly non-physical/immaterial. While the impulses appeared to effortlessly grow, these energies felt nothing but positive, pure and good, so I continued on as I had with my self-taught meditative practice, as a profound sense of peace, love and contentment naturally remained extant.

My impulses/energies continued to cultivate effortlessly as a great force to which my body would alternate between feeling as a cool rushing river, yet warm up like a burning phoenix, and on certain occasions the energy would form as an intense extreme surge, which would not dissipate for (7) days. I began feeling as though my body was either attempting to take-off like a rocket into the etheric, yet alternatingly was attempting to sink/shrink into itself into the non-physical. Wonderous melodies of changing frequencies could be heard within my ears, to which upon reaching the highest energy field, would ultimately audibly cease to a closing-out of the world, to which sound could no longer be heard, nor could the physical/material body be felt anymore, yet I could experience/perceive the atmosphere/elements in its entirety (material and immaterial simultaneously) in a colorfully vibrant spectrum divergent of what is known, to which the sky was as a flowing water of a turquoise hue, with milky-opalescent cloud streams, and the trees swayed with leaves of emerald crystals, and to where the soil of the earth and sands of time glittered as golden honey, in which all moved ever-so gently in the slowest of  motion, whilst remaining in an invisible/immaterial state of floating/suspended bliss (which truly felt like home).


Although these blissful experiences subsided upon the aforementioned ‘throttling-back’ of my impulse/energies as they were no longer needed for a time, certain wonders do remain! Wonders, impulses and energies that are felt daily unceasingly, which serve as a persistent reminder of my immaterial Creational BEING -yet- material individual purpose, as well as WE-form interconnectedness. While I must combat daily that which swarms upon the earth of the negative (i.e. hatred, decay, disharmony, duplicity, etc.), I remain steadfast in maintaining focus on my sense of duty (being an example of true love, peace, harmony and truth to the human beings of earth, as well as the illumination of such high values to those whom wish to become knowing ones), accordingly I innately turn toward that which remains upon the earth of the positive (i.e. love, nature, harmony, genuity, etc.), to which my neutral state of being remains honed. 

Correct Peace Symbol _ आँ Relegeous Truth

Awakening of the Spirit-Creation Energy: “I will give them a heart to know me, that I am Nokodemion … Fear not, for I have ‘awoken’ you. I have ‘called you by your name’, for you are of my people, and shall ‘return’ to me with your whole heart”.  

(The One Raised by the JHWH)

“But the ‘Helper’ (the Spirit), whom Creation will send, will teach you all things, and bring to your ‘remembrance’ all things”

(The Initiator)

Correct OM Symbol _ आँ Relegeous Truth

SPIRIT / CREATION-ENERGY (Geistes / Schöpfungsenergie)

PRE-AWAKENING: I recall that several weeks prior to my Spirit (Creation-Energy) Awakening I began feeling a sensation similar to that of static-electric impulses around my temples and atop my head, which were of greater intensity on some days rather others (swaying determinate of whether, worldly events, etheric energies, etc.). Headaches, neck pain, temporal pressure and sharp electric jolts were also the norm. I further recall that I would experience bouts of inexplicable fatigue on the days in which the impulses/energies appeared to be stronger/radiate and lasted longer, in contrast to those days in which it did not. As I could not fathom at the time what these sensations could be, I simply put no further thought into it at that time, until it had revealed itself. 

AWAKENING: Onset of the Awakening (The Call = Call of Truth = Call of Love = (1) Law of Love) occurred in an instance which was as though a little spark, a spinning/spiraling idea (2) Law of Consciousness/Awareness) had ignited within the internal endless darkness. Succeeding this, intense rotations of pulsations/impulsations emerged from within the darkness amid the rear of my neck up to the back of my head (pineal gland), as a growing/expanding light (3) Law of Vibration/Adaption). Like an atom bomb an indescribable intense/powerful pulling-in/implosion -to- explosion/burst from within the center of my core ensued, as though a tiny galaxy had been formed within (4) Law of Energy). Effortlessly via a sensation of rapid expansion, the impulses/pulsations grew/spread throughout the body, to which stars and planets had emerged within the galaxy formed, spreading from core to limbs, multiplying throughout the depths of space (empty expanse) and time (endless duration) amid the now formed universe (universal space) deep within (5) Law of Causality/Motion). Succeeding these impulses/pulsations, power/energy surges throughout the entire body ensued with a fluctuating/radiating effect. The flowing of energies in a movement/wave formation ensued up/down the body revolving/repeating from limb to head, thus the moving-time (past/present/future) came into ‘Being’ (6) Law of Creation). Positive/negative impulses/energies flowed simultaneously/parallel with a rushing heat as the burning phoenix, as well as a steady stream of refreshing cool, coming to the occurrence of a warm gentle pendulum motion (4) Law of Bipolarity/Contrariness). Ultimately all elements calmed and met/reached a state of equilibrium/balance/neutrality (8) Law of Logic/Certainty). Successively, a state of lightness/transparency and feeling as Being/Non-Being had occurred, the becoming/passing, a state of material/immaterial. Ultimately a ‘still’ state of pure harmony was reached, to which a notion of true peace/true love was all that was existent and eternal (a return to the highest law – (1) Law of Love/Becoming and Passing/Abundance). 


NOTES: The Spirit/Creation-Energy Awakening holds the secrets of the Creation, as (7) prime-laws with (7) sub-laws, to continue as 7x7, etc. (laws extensively documented externally).


POST-AWAKENING: Succeeding all being brought back to my remembrance, I became engulfed amid several writings/doctrines devised by the Guardian of the Treasure, (7) total: Talmud Jmmanuel, OM, Goblet of the Truth, Decalogue/Dodecalogue, Arahat Athersata, The Psyche and Might of the Thoughts, to which in extreme ‘rapid succession’ my psyche took-in the content as though it were deciphering computer codes (codierter-content), and upon acceptance of the data, moved quickly unto the next. I consciously could not feasibly detail the insurmountable data being taken in so quickly, while I seemingly remained within a conscious state of innate constant knowing/agreeance with the data as it flowed through me. It was as if it were required of me at that point in time to rapidly cypher through the texts, to which I found myself uttering deep within all throughout ‘Yes, Yes, Yes – IT IS SO!’, with the specific goal being to ultimately open up the realm within, a complete state of innate ‘knowing’, and acceptance, of ‘all as truth’, which was so. 


Succeeding the unveiling of all truths and the finding of my self-appointed foreordained purpose, as well as my true origin amid an afar off plane, had my extreme high energy/impulses greatly dissipated (for such great energy had fulfilled its purpose of the time and was no longer of need, which was to bring all back to my ‘remembrance’ swiftly, as well as bring me to the knowing of the Prophet of the New Age (Guardian of the Treasure), JHWH of 3-Worlds (One Who Lives the Life in Wisdom) and to the mission of the modern era, as one of the Faithful of old (Getreúer). Nevertheless, the energy and impulses have not ‘ceased’, but continue to gently hum and flame within daily, more-so all-day, which will continue to cultivate at a rate of 2.5x that of the normal evolutive value, as well as further unfolding of ability, if engagement in co-evolutive efforts and implementation of the Spirit Teaching remains just, in conjunction with calculable daily physical works and meditative efforts, that I may be ready for the great time (for the time of complete fulfillment has not yet come to pass), to which upon mission conclusion in 3999 CE, I may return to my appropriate plane.

NOTES: Following these events, while a great throttling-forward (positive force) of consciousness had ultimately taken place, a contrary throttling-back (negative force) of fluidal energy had occurred (balance), for it had served its valueful purpose of the time, albeit with neither energy nor impulses ever ceasing, thus it remains burning both within and without, with an undeniable omnipresence. 

(Whose Lives are Illuminated by Love) - Old Lyra

~ Salome ~

Correct Peace Symbol _ आँ Relegeous Truth

Only when the mission is secured universe-wide and the Spirit Teaching is anchored in such a way that no more setbacks can occur, it will be granted to the Nokodemion spirit form and its 144,228k Faithful/Getreúer to return home to those levels to which they actually belong.


Nokodemion Book Pg. 78

(the Origins of God, the Angels, Man and the Prophets)

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