It was said that in the beginning the Heavens and the Earth was created, as well as man on the 6th day, to which Adam and Eve were said to have been brought about, but the truth seeking one ought examine man's creation a bit further. Prior to delving amid the texts old as it pertains to the creation of man, it is to be understood that the content of ancient doctrine in verity was of an amalgamated nature. As this remained greatly ununderstood, varying generations of man throughout history interpreted and/or misinterpreted these texts. This lead many to perceive the ancient entirely as an incomprehensible parable, with some completely accepting the doctrine as literal in sense, while others explicitly discerned it as figurative in sense. As to not confound the narrative herein, this annal will solely focus on the literal context.
Genesis 1:27 states "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them". This notable verse has succumb to innumerable interpretations over time due to its rather dated diction, yet two interpretations remain most predominant. As scholars could not fathom a creation of man having been chronicled 'twice' within the scriptures of old (Genesis 1 and Genesis 2), the Spirit-form creation postulation had been 'wrongly affixed' to the creation of man in the Genesis 1 recount. Accordingly, some believe that the Genesis 1 verse corresponds to the creation of the Spirit-forms that would later enliven both Adam and Eve in Genesis 2, as the one regarded as God was believed to have been a Spirit Being. Nevertheless, this cannot be what is truly being recounted, as a Spirit-form is not equal to that of Human-form, thus can be neither of a 'male nor female' nature, nor of a 'him or them' form, as this verse clearly expresses.
Others assert the Genesis 1 passage is stating that the one 'regarded' as God (believed to be a Spirit Being) initially created Adam (a Human Being), insinuating Adam lacked progenitors of a human kind, and from Adam came about Eve, ultimately resulting in the bringing about of male and female upon the earth. Peradventure the creation of Adam from the dust, and likewise Eve from a rib, remain immaculate creations of inexplicable phenomena from an immaterial being, or perhaps the truth lies within the very wording of the verse itself. The verse in its simplicity appears to suggest that the one regarded as God, directly classified in the aforesaid verse as a his/he (which is directly associated with the material male-form), indicating that said Being (God) was a he/male, whom created (perhaps 'procreated') a him/male (Adam), and when he later created (perhaps 'procreated') a female (Eve), the them (male and female) came about.

In light of such, one ought ponder if male and female were in fact initially created in Genesis 1:27, then whom was later created in Genesis 2:7, which states "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul", although this verse, as others, does not remain in its original form. Moreover, the peculiar phrasing of Genesis 5:2 beckons significant attention, which states "Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created". This verse seemingly indicates that the created pair of human beings, by he (God), were recognized 'in unity' as 'Adam' (them-plural form).
Perchance the creation and/or procreation of many Adam(s) had occurred within the vast texts of old, and perhaps Adam was not originally a name appellation, but rather a designation for a kind, respectively the classification of a species. Since times of antiquity, the meaning of Adam has been synonymous with Man of Earth, in correctness Earth Human, while Eve has been comparable with Bringer of Life, respectively Life Bearer, thus peradventure once upon a time, all Males were deemed Adams (Dams), while all Females were deemed Eves (Evas), and the respective earth human species as a whole was regarded as Adams (Omedams).
Peradventure these events may be better understood within gaining a clearer understanding of the term Genesis itself. The term Genesis, which is of Greek origin from the word γένεσις (Genesis), to which the words etymology in the earliest of times was believed to suggest the very "origin" and/or "beginning" of something. In deeper analysis of the analogous Greek word γίγνομα/γίγνομαι (Gignomai/Gignoma) appearing in the New Testament 677 times, it was later understood to mean, "to be born", "to be produced", "to become", "to happen" "to be made" and/or "to arise" denoting the occurrence of a thing, of something new, at a certain point. Hence, it is probable that the biblical Genesis may not have been portraying the beginning of all things, but rather depicting a new beginning and/or the creation of something new at a certain point in time, respectively a 'new creation' of man, and/or 'new species' of humankind, the Omedam.
"Love, human of the Earth, is the first and last law of all BEING, therefore of life, altogether. Without love no creation may form, and without love no transformation may be completed."
(Guardian of the Treasure)
Since times of old and still so in many cultures today, the meaning behind a name was of great importance, believed to be indicative and/or suggestive of one's true purpose and/or life path. In considering this and the term Omedam in anatomized form, Om-e-Dam, much more is revealed! Since time immemorial Om has been symbolic of the essence of many things, from the sacred hum (aum) of the universe and the frequency of all life, to the eternal healing vibration and the primordial energy of creation, when thinking in terms of quantum physics that all is energy, frequency and vibration. Despite the formation throughout the eons of innumerable religions, convictions, languages and cultural practices, OM in its myriad of forms (i.e. Aum, Ohm, Um, etc.) has remained irrefutably constant, in such that it is recognized by all in one form or another, and peradventure it is so for the reason, that it innately remains the quintessential connection to all of creation.
In view of such a possibility, could OM not signify that which intertwines all of existence, such as the Laws of Nature, the Laws of Creation, and all other related Laws? In observation, the term OM could be symbolic and/or synonymous with Law, in which Omedam (when intertwining that in the earliest of times male and female were jointly recognized as Adams (Dams), respectively Earth Humans), could then appear to be viewed as "OM=Law" "E=and" "DAM=Earth Human", or alternatively, its meaning could be interpreted as "OM=Law" "E=and" "DAM=Fulfillment", as the created Omedam (Earth Human) species intended purpose was, and is, to be the Fulfillers of the Law. The Law being the OM, which is the acronym for Omfalon Murado, respectively Omfalon ir Murado, which translates to Laws of Creation. In such, the Earth Human, the Omedam, is the 'Fulfiller of the Laws of Creation'.

Forthwith, thought ought now justly be given, as to 'whom' exactly in truth is undertaking the creation of mankind in Genesis. Although various religions such as Asatru, Druidism, Candomble, Hinduism, Shintoism, Taoism, Thelema and Wicca recognize polytheism, it is principally accepted among the masses and present over 4-thousand religions that but one God exists, or existed. In reflection of Genesis 1:26, just prior to the chronicled creation of male and female in Genesis 1:27, the one regarded as God said "...Let us make man in our image, after our likeness...". This would draw nigh many to ponder if the lesser religions were correct, were there in fact many Gods (us)? If one were to reflect on previously discussed revelations, such as in the annal titled "God He Was Called Not" which divulged that JHWH (Gods assumed name) was not a name, but rather an acronym for a title bestowed upon 'men' with great knowledge, this would corroborate that the presence of 'many' Gods, respectively JHWH's (Jschwjsch and Jschrjsch), was quite reasonable when one considers the aforesaid biblical quote of plural form (us/our). If one were to conclude this to be the most logical inference, this would further shed light on the quandary of the biblical God seeming of a split-nature (both loving and wrathful), as discussed in the annal titled "(II) The God of Love and Wrath", reckoning more than likely so, that the spoken of God was not truly one being, but rather two, or even more.
Despite whether it had been discerned to have been intentionally forged, or unintentionally transliterated, it was so expected, and accepted as the standard by scholars, that all doctrine of antiquity had undeniably succumbed to unavoidable translation errors in one form or another. In consequence of this admittance by scholars, could it not be further so, that an intertwining of events likewise had occurred, clouding the truth so much so, that the roles of the characters of the biblical narrative had become crossed (i.e. Gods as Angels, and Angels as Gods). Peradventure, the chronicled creation of man (Adams), was indicative of the intermingling of the Angels, respectively the Sons of God, recognized as Gods themselves by some religions (a foreign human species), with the daughters of men (the native human species), to which a new human species was bred (Omedam). For one ought reasonably give thought to the true extent of possibility and plausibility, as to how 'presumed' spirit beings of 'supposed' incorporeal form, could conceivably procreate with human beings of corporeal form, to produce offspring strictly of physical-material-form (in recapitulation of previous annals, instances revealed God, Lucifer, the Angels, and their offspring of a Giant kind, as appearing as men, referenced standing, as well as the siting and eating with Lot, the mention of brunt and drink offerings, correspond to the sweet savory smell, etc.).
The conceivability of God and the Angels having been 'not' of a spirit-being nature, but rather in fact of a human-being nature, unnative to earth as discussed in the annal "(IV) Origins of God and the Angels" ought be greatly contemplated by the masses and given due credence ... In light of the extent of thought-provoking revelations thus set forth, let it be so for the truly seeking and accepting one, that at long last it be unveiled, as to how once upon a time these beings prevailed upon earthly humanity with Signs and Wonders.
Wellspring "Talmud Jmmanuel"
by (Guardian of the Treasure)
While the term Talmud historically has been tied to that of Jewish law and tradition, and its corresponding religion, the word Talmud in and of itself is not of a religious connotation. The word Talmud of Hebrew origin from the term תלמוד simply means study, instruction, or learning. Conclusively the term Talmud is defined as 'a compilation of ancient teachings regarded as sacred', which in nowise remains religion bound, thus Talmud Jmmanuel simply =equals= Teachings of Jmmanuel.
Source: Authorized King James Version (AKJV) 1611 CE and Revised King James Version (AKJV) 1769 CE by Richard Bancroft, Talmud Jmmanuel 2010/2011, OM 1987/2011 and Contact Reports 009, 069, 248 and 588 by Guardian of the Treasure