Due consideration by the masses ought be given as to where the term God indeed originates and what lies behind its correct meaning, for if the ancient texts of old delineate that the biblical God was assumed to have been cited as YHWH, how did God become the turn of phrase widely utilized today. The term God essentially is of Germanic origin, from the word Guda, to which the earliest written form of the word actually derives of the Christian Codex Argenteus. As this manuscript dates back to the mere 6th century, surely early humans could not have utilized this expression when speaking in reference to the one regarded as God. In verity, as texts from antiquity assert, Gods name, respectively what he was believed to have been called in the earliest of times, was JHWH, interchangeable with the more recognized YHWH, to which this appellation was said to have been revealed to Moses by the one regarded as God himself, notably chronicled in the Book of Exodus 3:14, although in verity this appellation was in existence much earlier.
As various languages emerged over time, as well as new faiths developed from the main religions of old (i.e. Catholicism/Christianity, Judaism and Islam), YHWH took on many forms. Nevertheless, YHWH in actuality derived of the Hebrew tetragrammaton theonym הוה, which consisted of a sequence of consonants believed to be pronounced as either Yod Heh Waw Heh or Jod Heh Waw Heh, resulting in the YHWH and/or JHWH most commonly acknowledged. From this pronunciation derived the term Yodh from the Semitic Abjads, a consonant writing system, which gave way to various other derivatives thereof (i.e. the Aramaic, Phoenician, and Syriac term Yod, Hebrew term Yud, and Arabic term Ya, etc.). As languages came and went over time, it was the German language which had become one of the major dialects of the world, with the first written Germanic language having been established in the 4th century. The transliterated Proto-Germanic form of Yodh bore the term Guda, to which the later German word Gott arose and Old High German variation Got, which ultimately led to the formation of the popular Old Low German word God, most widely recognized and utilized today.
Having distinctly set forth how the use of the term God came about, and returning focus to the presumed name in question, respectively YHWH, it ought be pondered if in man's desire to bestow upon the 'ones' recognized as God(s) a pronounceable name, as was the likes placed upon man themselves, peradventure YHWH in its original form was an 'acronym' symbolic of a different meaning!? Despite attempted annunciations, emerging languages and/or changing dialects, one undeniable element has remained constant, such that despite the modern use of the term God, since time immemorial the masses have recognized that 4-letters remained symbolic and/or representative of this individual.
Abyssinian Aden Egyptian Albanian Angolan Arab Armenian Assyrian Ethiopian Belgian Bethulier Bohemia Boëter Braming Camboser Caramans Chaldeans Chileans Chinese Congolese English Ecuadorianr Etruscan French Teutons Georgians Greeks Gymneophn Hebrews Hesperides Hibernian Illyrians Indian Irish Japanese Kabbalists | = AGZI = ILLI = TOTH, TEUT = BOGO = ANUP = ALLA = ABYD = ADAD = ABYD = GOED = SILA = BUEG, BURG = ARIS = PORA = MIRI = SUNA = HAVA = XANA, HANA = TELI = ANEB, ANAB = GO(O)D = HOBA, HOBO = ESAR = DIEU = GOTT, GUTH = MOTI = TEOS = TARA = JHVH = AGAD = DIEH, DIAH = BOOG = TUSA, TURA = GUDI = ZACA = AGLA | Californian Canadian Copy Cretan Latin Mage Maltese Moors Melindaher Mesopotair Mexican Mongols Ormusen Paraguayar Parse Peloponner Persian Peruvians Philippinos Philosophers Phrygians Poland Russians Samaritan Saracens bulkheads Spanish Tatars Thracian Tibetan Turks Hungarian Zaliaer Zelamites Cyrenaica | = SOLU = BIUD = TEOS = DEOS = DEUS = ORSY = OBRA = ALLA = ABAG = ELLA = BOSA = ALLI = ALAI = PIUR, PINO = BILA = DEOS = SIPI, SYRI = ZIMI = MORA, MARA = ABDA = ZEUT, ZENT = BOOG = POLA = TIOS = AGDI, ABDI = GOOT = DIOS = ANOT = KALO = GENA = AYDY = BOGY = BORA = PARA = POPA |
For those wishing to accept such, it is so that JHWH was the correct form of the term, yet as dialects progressed, it became interchangeable with YHWH and even IHWH, albeit was not a name, but rather a title, respectively an abbreviation for the title Jschwjsch, to which the acronym JHWH remains explicit, which means King of Wisdom, in a long lost ancient language, to which the Germanic language was borne. This title was bestowed upon 'men' whom had acquired great knowledge, such as some of those whom had become biblically known as the most high.
"Wisdom is the characteristic of a human who has recognized the existence of his spirit and cooperates along with the spiritual laws."
(The Demi-Queen)
In light of such, it remains for one to give due thought to whether this form of titling solely applied to the men of times past. Forbye, while the ancient texts paint a rather male dominated narrative, the masses ought ponder if this was truly so, as many females appeared to play vital roles within the scriptures of old, such as the revered Mary of Tiberias, respectively Maria, and even the disparaged Mary Magdalene, respectively Mary of Magdala, in verity Miriam. Further notable ecclesiastical women of significance were said to be Esther, Martha, Sarah, Rachel, Hannah, Abigail, Elizabeth, and Deborah, to name but a mere few as per biblical narrative. Peradventure, females likewise held more dominant roles in times of old than insinuated, to which their importance became simply either lessened and/or the facts surrounding their influence were omitted from ancient texts in there entirety, for the reason that male paramountcy may reign supreme per the wishes of the many falsifiers of ancient texts, to which doctrinal authority in past times was solely granted to men.
For those accepting the aforesaid as logically being so, let it then be further understood, that as it was with the male form, that the designation be granted as a King of Wisdom, respectively an Jschwjsch, baring the title JHWH after his name, it was likewise granted to the female form, that the designation as a Queen of Wisdom, respectively an Jschrjsch, bore the title JHRH following her name. These titles are correctly pronounced as Ish-wish and Ish-rish, arising from an ancient Lyran language brought to man in times immemorial, respectively 389,000 years ago, yet spoken again in mass as recently as 13,500 years ago. This language was presented to man by 'one of wisdom', as mentioned in Zephaniah 3:9, "For then I will restore to the peoples a pure language, that they all may call on the name of the Lord...", although in verity the term used was not Lord, but JHWH, whom brought in succession to man not only the Lyran language, but moreover the 12 Recommendations (later falsified to the 10 Commandments) and the teaching of the true way to live, respectively the Spiritual Teaching encompassing the Teaching of the Truth, The Teaching of the Spirit and the Teaching of the life, in unification with the Laws of the Creation, which is the true Teaching of the Prophets, that man may live the fullest of life, if willfully followed.
Regrettably the Lyran language had become distorted over time, with today's German language being the closest remnants of such, and remains the root of all Germanic languages. In verity all earthly dialects were refined by the Ancient 7 Lyren Languages: from Arjn arose Celtic, English, Germanic, Indo-European and Latin, from Hebrjn arose Arabic, Aramaic, Assyrian, Babylonian and Hebrew, from Kjdan arose Chinese and Japanese, from Trjdjn Indian, Central and Southern Hemisphere Islanders, from Bamar arose Australian, Middle Eastern and Ottoman, from Suman arose Ancient Greek, Atlantean, Minoan and Sumerian and from Westan arose African, to which further languages were later developed. Woefully today the masses remain greatly confounded amid one another, drowning amid a sea of myriad dialects. Peradventure in the vast future the pure language of old be restored, to which consonance (harmony) and true understanding amid the people may be brought about once again ... Yet primarily let it accordingly come to pass, that the seeking one discern the true Origins of God and the Angels, thus let it be so, that what nuggets of proof and of truth that remain extant in this regard now be revealed!
Wellspring "Might of the Thoughts"
by (Guardian of the Treasure)
The titles Jschwjsch (JHWH) and Jschrjsch (JHRH) are indicative of a man or woman whom has attained vast knowledge, resp. has mastered, a particular field of study, or several fields of study, to which the title King of Wisdom or Queen of Wisdom is bestowed. The aforesaid titles do not denote the level of Spiritual, respectively Creational, evolution that the JHWH and/or JHRH has reached, nor is reflective of having attained an evolutive perfection, or relative perfection. Consequently, an JHWH and/or JHRH may remain subject to mistake/error, as well as may engage in right (good/positive) and/or wrong (misdeed/negative) acts.
Source: Authorized King James Version (AKJV) 1611 CE and Revised King James Version (AKJV) 1769 CE by Richard Bancroft, Talmud Jmmanuel 2010/2011 and Contact Reports 031, 241, 471, 501, 502 and 503 by Guardian of the Treasure